Emmy "Monkey"
Our Guide Dog Emmy is 3 years old today..We miss her SO much, but are very happy she is guiding an amazing man in Missouri! 
Since we can't hop on a plane and go see her I thought I would post some photos of our monkey girl...

Such a pretty girl..
It's amazing how fast they grow up! Glad she's helping her person!
Hi there all just a line to say thank you for a great girl. Emmy is doing well and loving college she has everyone wrapped around her paw. Emmy has created a snow angel in our last snow storm for a big girl that is not crazy about getting wet she sure does love the snow. Thank you all again for giving so much of yourselves so that Emmy and I could become a team. Always know that you all will have a special place in my heart.
Happy Birthday Emmy girl - I remember when you were just a wee, cute puppy. "Grandma" misses you too. And thank you Tim for taking such good care of her!
Kim's Mom
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