Wednesday, March 25, 2009
THE perfect puppy that will never be a guide dog..
Monday, March 23, 2009
Because the whole house should be sick at once..right?
Claudi, Sidney & Quebec
Swollen Claudi!
Oh but Wait! Natara could not be outdone by either of these pups! While we were in a rush to get to the vet we had left miss Natara alone in a room and needless to say a bored puppy is trouble! Tara decided to chew up part of a picture frame...2 days later miss Tara was throwing up etc and made her own little trip to the vet just to be safe...She was fine, but sent home with some meds...Because 2 dogs on meds in the house isn't enough... Natara & her brother Niguel
As of today we await word on Quebec and took Claudi in for some new hour later Claudi is sitting here like a chipmunk-her face all swollen up from the prednisone that is supposed to be helping her poor stomach...Oh this poor dog...Wait..Poor Raisers!!