Wednesday, March 25, 2009

THE perfect puppy that will never be a guide dog..

Well, Quebec has been career changed..Her strange health issue isn't getting any better-nor is it being diagnosed for certain..Basically, her joints are swollen and her body seems to be attacking itself..She is being put on prednisone for the short term and we are looking for the perfect home for the PERFECT puppy...


Ally and Eclipse said...

That's so sad! She's so young! Glad it was caught early though and I hope they figure out what's causing it! Good job with her so far!

Brittany said...

Oh, that poor little baby! I really hope they can figure out what is going on. I am sure GDB will find her the perfect home!

Emily said...

O no! Poor baby! Hope she finds the perfect home and enjoys life as a perfect pet :)

Megan and Orleans said...

Wow, that is so sad. Sorry to hear about her career change. That is really too bad, I hope that they can figure out what is wrong so she can go back to being a puppy again. :D

Elizabeth and Peyton said...

So sad! You just got her. She is a gorgeous little girl and I'm sure she'll make someone very happy.

Martha G said...

I'm so sorry! She sounded like such a promising puppy! I hope her health problems can be controlled.

heidi said...

Quebec really IS perfect! I love that little girl. I'm so sorry that she's sick.

Lisa and pups said...

Oh, how sad. Good luck little Quebec