Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Less than a week!
Dougie dog is almost 4 months old and continuing to have nasty poo in and out of his crate almost daily..Last Friday he went to GDB for some health evaluations..We think he will stay on campus until this Friday-and we have to say we couldn't be happier about that! My house can't take any more nasty pooping in the house! Poor guy-he finally decided he IS a lab and will eat his dog food and now it is just going right through him :-(..Other than that he is a sweet little puppy who fits in pretty nicely in our house and seems to like he will love going on outings!,p>
Tandy is continuing to work through her "teenage" months and bring us a new challenge every week, but is a very sweet girl. Next week she is being transferred to a new raiser family in our club as their 1st puppy. She will get to go to school everyday with the mom in the family & live with 2 teenage boys. We think she will be really happy to be a spoiled only dog in her new raisers home.
Sooooo..just when you think we will go back down to one PIT...my favorite PIT and little "mini-emmy" MARINA is being transferred to me NEXT MONDAY!!! I am soo happy! Marina's co-raiser went to college and cannot have her in the dorms, so I get to finish raising my dream puppy! Marina is currently having some confidence issues on outings, so we will have to take baby steps on outings, but I am confident that we are going to LOVE being together the next few months. I just adore her!! She has the best wiggle ever and my pet dog loves her as well. Only 6 days until we get our "Arina"!!
I think that is all for today!!
Ogden is still in phase TEN! Bethany is waiting..waiting..waiting..