So we finally got the call, Ogden is in class! He has been in training since June and in Phase 10 for 8 weeks now. But so have a lot of other dogs out there so we were not sure when a match would be found....
Last time we saw Ogden he was still all legs so I am curious if he will have filled out into his tall body and big head. However, as much as I wanted him to, he does not look much like his dad, Simon, who we raised. He has the height and the big head but not much other than that.
We only started Ogden so we only had him his first 2+ months and then he was transferred to a raiser family who needed an easy to handle puppy because the husband is in a wheelchair. Ogden was that and when he was not at home with the husband he went to work in a hospital office. I had the pleasure of keeping in touch with his new raiser family, getting occasional pictures, and getting to see Ogden at a Leaders Day when their leader kindly brought him up for me to see. That really helped put closure on his raising time as did getting to see him get off the puppy truck at the Boring campus because we were waiting for Marina to arrive to her first raisers.
Ya Ogyden!!!
Congrats Ogden!! :)
Oh great news!
I can't wait to see him graduate!
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