We also have 1 pup IFT (Ogden), and many, many Simon pups we wanted to get a glimpse of so we had many things to keep us busy..It was very cool to be able to take Claudi with us to Fun Day..She was on her best behaviour as a CC dog and wore her red bandanna proudly (although it really didn't match her PINK hawaiian collar I got her!).
I was really excited to meet Marina's siblings & Bethany wanted to see Tandy's so we did that (see photos of course!)..We also gave Dinah to her new raisers..They have raised 1 puppy before, but are new to our NEW club & have not raised in a few years so are very excited to be getting Dinah..I hope they like her-she seems like a very nice puppy.
(Tandys')All of our dogs were very, very good for the long, busy, day! The day ended with us seeing Emmy's half brother (atrus's) puppies being delivered on stage. I was extremely jealous of the people who got Marley--not for his name--but he is related to EMMY--AND DARK in color--that for those of you that know me is what I wait for in every puppy we get! I am waiting for my dark red GDB pup. I have my dark red pet dog, now I want a dark GDB dog!!*sigh*...Notice in the photos..Tandy is the lightest in her littermate photos....:-)
On our way out Tandy & Claudi posed on the Puppy Truck that neither of them have even been on! All of our pups have either flown or driven in the past 5 years so we thought we might as well pretend to have a "puppy truck" photo! :-)
Sounds like Oregon Fun Day was a blast!!! I can't wait until next week for CA to have its fun. ^^ Wow, Tandy is such a cute little girl! And what a treat, a little red Marley! Awww...
I will have to see the Claudi collar up close... glad she behaved!
Ooo, a boy pup named Marley. Good!
Laker is totally offended to not even get a mention on the Fun Day post...also I think Claudi will need a hot red collar to go with her career change bandana!
No, no Nadina news. :(
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