Thursday, August 6, 2009

Housefull of Puppies!

When is our house not busy? This week was no exception! Tandy has been gone camping with a puppy raiser from our old club..Dinah went on 2 puppysits...we had Marina for a few nights..Claudi got invited to come to Fun Day as a Career Change Ambassador Dog & I have requested a September starter puppy!...

Tandy will be back home on Friday..Dinah will be going to her new raisers on Saturday. We had hoped to have her for longer, but the new raisers in our club are really looking forward to having a puppy, so..Luckily, we will still get to see her alot.

Marina (Claudi's niece) is turning into a mini EMMY (my PERFECT dog!)..She has the cutest wiggle & is just the best little dog! She follows me all around the house with her toys & just reminds me so much of Em..I wish every puppy could have Marina's personality..I have a feeling Marina is going to be an amazing Guide. I can't wait to meet her siblings this weekend at Fun Day!

Claudi giving her best pouting face!

Since Dinah will be leaving soon we have put our application in for a September starter pup..the only requirement is that it be a female! Other than that..we will see what happens! I am hopeful for sooner than later as well..Sidney & Claudi are probably hoping for NEVER!!:)

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