Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dinah, puppies and waiting..

Our starter female black lab, Dinah, (Bosworth/Gail) is set to graduate Dec 4th at the Oregon Campus..This makes 3 graduations in 3 months-we can't believe how well everyone in our club has been doing lately!!

Doug dog in in phase 2..We miss him very much..His sister, Deanna, joined him on campus this month, but is on breeder eval..We also had Dax (Bruna/Atrus) return for training this month from our club.

Our club will be getting 2 puppies on Dec 11th-a FBL (dylan/courtney) "B" girl and a MYLGX "V" boy..We can't wait to meet them!

We heard yesterday that Finese (the female Simon was bred to) is having 6-8 pups and due on 12/29..We CANNOT WAIT to hear when these pups are born..We are just sooo wanting another yellow Simon pup!!

Vona is settling in with us..She is an extremely bouncy, wiggly girl with a little stubborn side to her-she is learning the rules of our multi-dog household and is wonderful on outings. She is off to a puppysitter today who raised her 1/2 sister.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crazy puppies

I finally got a photo taken of Vona--she is quite the energetic girl so photos ops are few and far between!!

She is a sweet girl who is trying to adjust to a busy house with 3 other dogs. She is a cute little 26 pounds and LOVES to chew on her bones.

On Saturday I got a new temporary foster puppy--a 6 yr old boy is getting a "wish" from Make-A-Wish and his wish....a female yellow lab puppy...the only issue is the family can't take her for a few weeks...The Humane Society that i volunteer for just got a litter of 8 wk old yellow lab puppies in, so I volunteered to take her for a little while...(Our house is set up so I can have occasional foster puppies in one side and GDB pups in the other part of the house)..Little foster puppy is a CRAZY, screaming, energizer bunny! Sadly, she may not work out for the little boy-we are evaluating her tomorrow..

All these crazy yellow lab's a good thing they are cute :-)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Missing Doug, Welcome Vona...Waiting for Simon..

Doug has been on campus for exactly a month now and he is still waiting in phase 0...Not unexpected since he went in on an eval then got put into a string, but a little movement would be nice...I miss that goofy guy and so do my dogs..

Last Monday we got a new transfer-5 month old FYL Vona--she is a David/Zante pup and a petite 26 pounds..We only had her for one evening though before we had to send her to a puppysitter due to our house being full of dogsitting dogs..We are looking forward to getting her back tomorrow and getting to know her..

A few weeks ago we heard that Simon was bred to Finesse..We can not wait to hear any news on this..We REALLY want another Simon puppy..We have raised Simon, 4 of his puppies and co-raised a grand puppy..He is an awesome dog and we really really want another FYL Simon girl!

2 pups in our club are leaving next week for training, Dax & Doug's sister, Deanna...We hope to get a few December puppies in the club so we aren't missing all of our dogs!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saying goodbye to 3 puppies in one day...

Today was an emotional day as a puppy raiser..On one hand we got to see one of our puppies (Tandy) graduate and meet her amazing new partner-everything we could have hoped for..

On the other hand we said goodbye to a puppy (Marina) that we shared the raising duties with along with 3 other awesome girls and I think I can safely say 3 of the 5 of us considered running away to Canada with this puppy..Saying goodbye to her as she heads off to in-home training was pretty disappointing, but she looked gorgeous and we can't wait to hear about her new partner..

Finally-yesterday we found out that our boy, Doug, would be headed back to campus today instead of next week. He is back on campus for his ongoing diarhea issues..We were very sad to leave him all alone in a kennel, but we hope he will enter into training or get career changed soon so he isn't alone in a kennel for long..
Doug at 10 weeks..
Doug at 14 months..We still come home home to 3 of our own pet dogs and a foster puppy, yet, we miss our Doogie Dog..The easiest dog we have ever raised--I have had a part in 10 puppies, Bethany 20 puppies and we both can't believe what an incredibly easy dog Doug was to live with for the past 13 months..

Our transfer pup should come in about a month..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Busy Month!!

We were told in the last few weeks that 2 puppies we helped raise are graduating this month!! Marina is leaving for in home training late next week and Tandy is graduating next Saturday in Boring!


We're very excited about both girls making it and will get to say goodbye to Marina before Tandys graduation!


Doug Dog is leaving us on October 15th as he is ready to go in for training! We are going to miss him SO much-he really is the perfect dog. Whatever he decides to do, we know that someone is going to be very lucky to have him. Our dogs are going to miss him too..

It sounds like we may get a 4 month YLF transfer in November..Right now I am fostering a 12 week old YLF that was brought into our humane society and is an extremely high energy girl-extremely dog distracted and very very mouthy..Luckily she is only here for a week!

Will post photos of our graduates after next weekend!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Updates on our pups..

Doug is doing good...he's the easiest puppy ever!! We have a tenative recall date for October 15th & he is ready! (Along with his sister Deanna)..

Our starter puppy, Dinah, is headed in for training next week & we are looking forward to having 3 puppies in training at the same time!

Miss Marina is moving along in training, currently in Phase 5, while Tandy has spent the last month waiting in Phase 8!

Zuni has been spending most of his time with his co-raiser, Ali, and will be heading to Corvallis with her next month when she goes back to college! He is a gorgeous 4-month old who is confident and spunky!

As of right now our plan is to be puppy-less once Doug leaves! We plan to help with some eval dogs or foster while we wait for SIMON to have another yellow lab female for us to raise ;-)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Guide Dog Girls...turning into Guide Dog Boys...

So our last two guide dog puppies have been...BOYS..a very strange change in our household!! Doug (or dougie dog) is such a great puppy-aside from his ongoing diarrhea..He is sweet, calm, perfect on outings and great to live with..Doug is currently on campus for a medical eval, but he should be coming home next week..

A few weeks ago we got MYL "Zuni"--he is a Tiburon/Alanis puppy which was very exciting since our CC, Claudine, is an Alanis pup...Mr Z man is a little wild man..He is full of spunk and loves to play with all of the dogs in our house..Zuni is a gorgeous 'Tiburon" red and will no doubt be a beautiful, stocky, boy. (Moxie & Zuni)

CC Claudine and pet dogs Sidney & Moxie aren't too sure what to think of Zuni yet, but he is being co-raised by club member, Ali, so he can be an only dog at her house:-)

One of our old pups, Marina, is going in for recall this week..Marina is an extremely sweet and soft girl who loves her raisers (all 5 of us!) and has many people that will miss her..

Oh and Tandy is in Phase 5!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Doug Dog!

A typical night at our house..
Doug is 10 months old now and such a good boy! I really haven't posted anything lately because he is just so easy and good that there hasn't been much to say!!

He is at a puppysitter this week while I watch 4 month old Spreckles (Tiburon/Raffle) and Bethany has our old starter pup Dinah! Both are really nice, fairly soft girls..

We are getting a MYL starter puppy in June-he will probably stay for 6-8 weeks and then be transferred to another raiser in our club..I am getting anxious to find out litter details!

Here are some recent photos of the Dougie Dog!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


There hasn't been much new in the guide dog world for us, so I have not been staying on top of our blog! We always have a million things going on with dogs, but not really the guide dogs!!

Doug is off on a 3 week puppysit as Bethany just got her new pet puppy, Moxie, an 8 week old yellow lab who is the sister to my dog, Sidney! I have also been fostering three-5 week old lab mix puppies so we have had our hands full of puppies!!


Doug is a wonderful puppy-we are enjoying him very much and hope he will continue to progress until he returns for recall. Thursday I will be getting Marina for a 9 day puppy-sit! I am very excited to see her & see how she is doing!!

Some of our friends picked up Hominy, FYL, yesterday-she is a Meredith puppy-Meredith is Claudi's half sister (a Simon puppy) so we are excited to meet her as we love all of our Simon related pups!

This is our last remaining foster boy...such a cutie!! :-)

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's been a while..

We haven't been very good at updates lately!! It seems like a lot has been going on though! Let's see..We found out that Simon has been bred 3 times recently..Yay for more Simon puppies!!..

We received "Dax" a MYL in our club at the beginning of January-he is a Bruna/Atrus puppy..Bruna was raised in our former club in Salem & Atrus is the 1/2 brother to our Emmy, so we were very excited to meet Dax, and boy is he cuuute!!

Sadly, Bethany's 11 year old golden retreiver, Fizz, passed away last week so our house feels a little empty with 1 less dog..Strangely enough, we have been planning to get a new puppy from my pet dogs parents and she was born the same day Fizz left us..So, in 6 weeks little fox red female yellow lab will be joining our pack..

(one of the dark ones is ours!)

Today we transferred little miss Marina to her new raiser, Kristy, in Salem..Marina is an amazing puppy who really needs some 1-on-1 attention and Kristy is really looking forward to spoiling our girl..We are really happy she will only be 45 minutes away and we will still be able to see her..

Little Dougie dog is doing really well. He is growing fast and is such a nice dog. He fits in well in our house & is a calm, sweet, big, boy that we love!